Thursday, July 2, 2009

You Have To Understand It To Do It

It’s odd where ideas for posts come from, but this is based off a Skype conversation I just completed. The company contacting me has some additional services I don’t currently supply but am interested in including (and thus giving you more options and ways to advertise online).

The problem is… they have used so much “tech speak” on their website that even I, after 10 years online (!), haven’t a clue what they are saying.

Don’t get me wrong, I understand the navigation terms, but on their sales/explanation pages, they do not tell me anything. Yes, they yapper on about this and that, but the problem is the words they have chosen to “explain things to me” are so technical that when I’m done I haven’t the faintest idea of how they implement what they do, let alone what “it” is…

Which begs the question…, “Why do that?” Why use words so “out there” that you lose you visitor immediately. Let’s face it people will only try so hard before they give up and go search for another web site that just might answer their question(s).

Whether it’s a company out there with ideas and innovations or your own advertising to tell others about your programs, products, and services using “tech speak” is such a waste of time (yours and mine).

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